Top 9 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Cameroon.


                According to the Global Press Journal, at list 90% of Cameroonian businesses are Small Businesses. You shouldn’t be discouraged with the word “small”. These Small business Ideas can grow into considerably high yield Ideas. 

Top 9 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Cameroon.

Here are the Top 9 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Cameroon.

  1.   Livestock Farming Business.
  2.   Rice Farming
  3.   Food Processing
  4.  Transport Business
  5. `Road side fast food corners.
  6. `Outdoor Catering Services.
  7.   Supply and general Merchandise Business
  8.   Palme oil production
  9.  Second Hand Products.
1.       Livestock Farming Business.

  1. This is a very high yield small business Idea. According to World bank statistics,  just 30% of the Cameroonian rural population are into agriculture and little over 5% is in it for commercial purposes.
    live stock production in cameroon

     There is Abundant Labour in this sector both Locally and Nationally and at a very low cost. This can easily grow into the second generation agriculture if technology and automation is brought into the picture.

2.       Rice Farming

rice farming in cameroon

  1. Rice production in Cameroon is extremely low when compared to its consumption rate. Starting a rice production business can be a fruitful business because 70% of Cameroon rice is imported.  Rice also have byproducts like rice husk and rice bran which can be sold. Ndop rice is the must common locally produced rice and it is craved for by many Cameroonians, yet production is still not sufficient.

3.    Food Processing

  1. Cameroon has all the row materials which need processing. Cassava, corn(maize), potatoes, palm oil, beans yams, millet, peanuts. The food processing industry in Cameroon has not been able to meet up to the demand of the Cameroonian population. The only major problem faced here is Electrical power

4.    Transport Business

  1. Transportation is a major challenge in Cameroon. This sector is not well developed thius any investor who will add some creativity to this area will make profit. Particularly if you can connect the rural areas to the urban centers.

5.    Road side fast food corners.

road side fast food corners in cameroon

  1. Fast food in Cameroon is an excellent business venture. It requires just some good cutlery skills and some hard work and that’s all. It can be started even with local traditional food in a small corner along the rood. With the right business practices, a full fleshed restaurant can be built from scratch.

6.    Outdoor Catering Services.

  1. Catering Services are highly demanded in Cameroon especially in urban centers. It is also a good practice to digitalis the services using platforms like Facebook to make it an online business through advertising. Outdoor Catering Services are demanded in parties, weddings, and even in ‘born house”.

7.    Supply and general Merchandise Business

  1. All that is needed of you here is to register your company with the government of Cameroon. Secondly, getting a government contract is the next step. This is the reason why most contractors are always around government officials.

8.    Palm oil production

  1. this can be made a lucrative business as palm oil is consumed in large amounts by Cameroonians. This can be done by producing and storing when prices are low and selling when prices rise.

9.    Second Hand Products.

  1.  People like spending less for things of superior quality. Cameroonians will readily pay anything for second hand products if they have some quality and are fit for use.


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