How to know if a website is Fake in 2022.

 How to know if a website is Fake in 2022.

There are lots of fake websites overwhelming the web today. These fake websites are out there to still from you, deceive, spy on your activities online and even to scam you and many other illegal activities. Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify them and be more aware.

How to Identify them.

1. Website Security

Most websites in the internet have SSL Security which is shown by the small door luck just before the URL.

Website without security

Any website without this Security being active, is a suspicious website as any information be it confidential or not can be accessed by hackers easily. This kind of website cannot be trusted. Therefore, do not give sensitive information to such websites

Website security

2. Unrealistic Promises.

A reasonable person will be suspicious if a website sends him information saying that he has won 1,000,000 FCFA or promising something he has done nothing for, but some people still fall into this trap. Some websites will tell you American Green Card Lottery without a passport, but some still into that. You may think even so these websites don’t do me any harm. Oh yes they do you some harm, they may ask you to send your email address. They can use such information to spam your Mail box. They may ask you to create an account knowing that you will probably use a password common to your email, Facebook, and other important accounts with which they can use to bypass your account security and still or cause damage. They can also use your information to frame you for something you know nothing about. The possible things which can be done with any information you deposit in such websites are infinite so be wise.

3. Unnecessary redirecting.

This trait is common with websites with Unrealistic Promises.

How to know if a website is fake in 2022

It is also possible when the promise or proposal of the website is somehow realistic. In such websites, they promise you something and when you try to follow their links, you are instead redirected to something else like to a registration form for 1XBET or whatever does not concern what the website claims to be about. 

4. Excessive Adds.

A website which is flooded with adds in such a way that the primary information of the site is almost completely overshadowed by the adds is already a suspicious site. This is because it’s main purpose is no longer to convey useful information to the visitor but it’s more of a forced advertisement site. Things such as links which redirect to unknown sites are common in such sites. It will be advisable to go to a website with more visibility and less chocked up adds than those with Excessive Adds.

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  1. This is great and interesting.

  2. that's great... at least now i understand why at times i get an error message saying "your network is not secure"


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