Making money online in recent times was not believed by many Cameroonians as a way of generating income. Most people belief that it is all a Scam. But recently, people have started to think otherwise. This has also been encouraged by the idleness of Cameroonian youths who don’t school due to the ongoing Crisis, which gives them more free time to search the internet for pocket money or why not a sustainable source of income.

The methods of making money online in Cameroon in order of preference or recommendation.

1.    Blogging   

Actually, what you are reading now is on a Blog post.

Blogging is simply the creation of relevant content on a website on a regular basis in order to attract an audience or satisfy an already existing audience.

How to make money with blogging.
Making money online with blogging

Making money is with the use of adds(advertisement). Adds are provided by google through google AdSense. Blogging is the most recommended as many people in the world at large make a living from blogging, one could make  about $200 to $2,500 a month. That is about 120,000 FCFA to 1,500,000 FCFA.

How to get started

          One can create a free blog using the website, Wix, Tumblr, Medium or use paid blogging websites such as


2.    Youtube.

          We all know what Youtube is, and how it works but most people don’t know that some serious amount of money can be made using that same thing you just use for fun.

          This is possible through advertising adds. It is simple the more active viewers/subscribers you have, the more money you can make.

          All you need to do is attract enough viewers/traffic on your channel, enough to sign up for adds and you can make about


3.    Affiliate Marketing

Making money online in cameroon
Have you ever recommended someone to go to a particular school, event, or just to anything? Well companies online are willing to pay you for every successful recommendation to their various businesses and that is what affiliate marketing is all about.

          This usually involves you getting an “Affiliate link” which when clicked on the company will know you where the one who recommended. You can recommend people through your YouTube channel, Facebook group and simple any social media channel.


4.    Free lancing.

                   There are a ton of Cameroonians with incredible talent and skills but either they depend on the Government or they work on the streets doing odd jobs. If you are one of them then this one is for you.

Freelancing in cameroon

          Freelancing is when you sell your services/skills and work on a pay by task completed bases, to cut it short you are the boss of your self and you choose when and when not to work.

          There are a whole lot of online platforms for such as Fiverr


5.    Selling your Old Notes.

This one may come as a shocker for most. Well there are platforms online which pay you well for relevant and genuine notes you own.

This include old books, assignments, text books , lecture notes in any digital form let it be pdf, doc, docx … Some pay $10(about 6000 FCFA) for each note/book successfully sold.

These note selling platforms include, studypool, GradeBuddy, OneClass

6.    Watching adds.

Watching adds has been around for long but not in Cameroon. The reason is simply because most if not all websites who provide paid adds make sure the right people watch the adds, this is usually people from the developed world.

Nonetheless, the introduction of Moneyman Africa in which is based in Cameroon has changed things. The pros with money man are evident, transactions(payments) are done through mtn and orange mobile money which is a huge breakthrough since most payed adds platforms use visa cards which most Cameroonians are not used to.

Money Man Africa

Even thou the platform is still new and developing, it is a huge breakthrough to watching payed adds in Cameroon.

Also read Is Moneyman Africa a Scam or Legit

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